Our key activities include the planning and realization of electrical, measuring and regulatory systems:
- Assembly activities
- Control cabinet construction
- Hardware planning (e.g., eplan P8)
- Software services (e.g., S7)
- Commissioning activities

A biogas plant generates biogas through the fermentation of biomass.
Since 2007, the Hilbrecht & Schmidt GmbH realizes various project all over Germany and Europe, in cooperation with the ORmatiC GmbH ( Hilbrecht & Schmidt GmbH specializes in the automation of biogas plants (BGP).
Please contact us if you have further questions regarding our entire scope of services.

Gas distribution
The use of natural gas as an environmentally friendly fuel continues to expand. Since 1996, the complete electrical and measuring/control/regulatory equipment for modern gas distribution and pressure regulation stations has been our company’s daily business.
Please contact us if you have further questions regarding our entire scope of services.

Industry automation
We offer our customers innovative, custom-made solutions in the field of energy systems technology, from the planning, installation and maintenance of electrical supply and consumer systems to regular servicing.
Please contact us if you have further questions regarding our entire scope of services.